Our customer was bidding for the first time into a global customer for a critical contract to continue to develop its private sector customer base. There was increased pressure due to the tight sourcing timeframe, the customer lacked both the time and in-house talent to prepare a winning response.
Value Match identified a small team to support this specialist area, who had a track record of success in this niche area. In partnership with the customer, Value Match:
- Undertook an initial bid/no bid scenario
- Mapped the customer capability to the likely sourcing requirements
- Created bid and communication documentation to the relevant standards
- Managed the bid process from start to contract award ensuring customer sign-off at each stage of the process providing updates at critical points
- Prepared the customer for the presentation and negotiation process, highlighting areas of differentiation in their bid and potential areas of commercial leverage
- Compelling bid response documentation completed with a clear narrative outlining unique customer capabilities
- Excellent feedback to the customer on presentation and negotiation phase
- Successful multi-million pound contract award
- New market segment success for the customer which has opened up other potential opportunities
For further information, contact Lindsay Rosul
T: 07702 823 648
E: Lindsay.Rosul@value-match.co.uk