Unifying the Network: Successful Implementation of a Scalable, Efficient and Future-Proof Telephony and Connectivity Solution

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  5. Unifying the Network: Successful Implementation of a Scalable, Efficient and Future-Proof Telephony and Connectivity Solution

The Trust’s existing infrastructure was fragmented and in need of upgrading, making it difficult to manage and maintain.  In order to address these challenges, the Trust turned to Value Match for help in procuring a solution that was scalable, efficient, and provided future-proofing.  Value Match engaged with the Trust’s stakeholders and local supply base, utilising a dynamic purchasing system for sustainable and ethically sourced goods and services.  Through this process, the Trust was able to award a contract to a single service provider that could deliver a higher quality of service and support the Trust’s growth.


The Learning Partnership are a growing Trust and as part of their growth strategy they required to implement a unified single network for the connectivity and telephony, for the Trust and provide the ICT foundation for the growth to build upon. The status was fragmented, with different networks, and providers between schools, and some schools in critical condition to need upgrading.

The school required a solution that was scalable, efficient and providing future proofing, whilst developing an account management strategy for a single provider solution.


Value Match understood the challenges the Trust faced and conducted the procurement by;

  • Value Match engaged with the Trust’s stakeholders and the local supply base to establish a supplier engagement event that enable the Trust to outline the challenges and engage with providers in the ‘art of the possible’ for solutions.
  • The Trust utilised a Dynamic Purchasing System for sustainable and ethically sourced goods and services, delivering social value in local communities This ensured that suppliers were accredited and pre-vetted for sustainable practices and environmental impact, ensure suppliers were solution and sustainably orientated.
  • Engaged with the Trust, and a range of stakeholders across all schools, to gain a detailed understanding of the need, along with advice and guidance on contractual documents to reduce potential risk.
  • Compiling the appropriate documentation and managing the end-to-end process to ensure compliance with procurement legislation, equal treatment of bidders and transparency
  • Managing the technical, commercial and moderation evaluation process along with preparing evaluation reports and supplier debriefing letters/discussions
  • Providing ongoing contract management to ensure service delivery is in line with the contract.


Through the delivery of the solution the Trust were able to achieve;

  1. A complete a compliant, cost-effective procurement process resulting in the most economically advantageous tender being awarded.
  2. The appointment of a service provider that can deliver a higher quality service through solution that is scalable for the Trust and allows for the foundation of the single network to be developed across all the schools
  3. The appointment of a single service provider to with an account management structure and proactive contract management


The Trust were able to capitalise on the benefits that provide additional value to the Trust and its users;

  1. The solution meant that call charges were abolished, through utilising this single network solution.
  2. Through a single network the Trust can now have a unified approach to the call menu, creating a simplified process for callers, and a familiarity for its users, calling any school in the Trust.
  3. Added Value that includes engineer maintenance support as part of the service provision, within an SLA timeframe exceeding the Trusts expectations
  4. The Trust will be able to maximise the benefits of a two-tier license structure that will allow them to flex their requirements, whilst providing cost saving opportunities during holiday period.
  5. The single network allows for re-routing capabilities for business continuity and call volumes to be monitored to allow greater visibility of peak periods to manage school efficiency.
  6. The appointment of a service provider with a social value agenda outside of the core services and delivers 30 hours of added value through a programme of cyber awareness sessions to staff and students across the trust.
  7. To support the Trusts sustainability goals the provider will implement only refurbished headsets across the Trust to deliver this contract and supporting the circular economy.

The project was completed with 19 weeks ensuring the school were able to fully mobilise in advance of the contract start date.

For further information, contact Lindsay Rosul

T: 07702 823 648
E: Lindsay.Rosul@value-match.co.uk