Value Match Sustainability, Diversity,
& Social Impact

Matching Impact with Value

What we offer

Strategy and implementation consultancy services

Baseline, measure and verify organisations sustainability and social impact

Social Impact and Improvement Model

How our values are embedded in our work

Our Social Impact & Improvement model helps all organisations understand where they are against best practice

Working with expert partners we provide a total solution to all organisations sustainability and social value requirements

Our solution will provide assurance with legal, policy and regulatory requirements

Commercial Discovery – A trust wide analysis of compliance, savings and social value

Value Match helps schools save and impact society through procurement analysis. The programme addresses common challenges for successful cost reduction and increased social value.

Maximising Value and Minimising Carbon Footprint: An Academies Trust’s Successful Partnership for Efficient and Sustainable Waste Management

Academies Trust partners with Biffa that resulted in a cost-effective procurement process that achieved an 11.8% savings, with added value and social benefits.

Want to know more? Contact us.

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Value Match


Stuart 07741 411 110

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Value Match

Procurement Services

Lindsay 07702 823 648

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Value Match


Lindsay 07702 823 648

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Value Match

Bid Management

Laura 07957 110 952

Value Match

Sustainability, Diversity & Social Impact

Laura 07957 110 952